Liverpool GHost Stories

Apologies  This page is experiencing some  uncanny activity and the Liverpool Ghost Stories have temporarily vanished.


We will restore them as soon as possible

As part of the exhibition ‘No Such Thing As Gravity’ at FACT, 11th November 2016 – Feb 6th 2017, Artist has been collecting local Liverpool ghost stories. You can submit your own stories here.

Wartime Memories

On a visit to Liverpool’s Battle of the Atlantic Bunker I became aware of things that seemed time-locked in the 1940’S.


The Monk

At first we where worried it was a someone trying to scare people or possibly a potential attacker, but as we approached the figure we saw it was a monk.



I went into my gran and said “Gran Sheila’s here… She’s in my bedroom but I don’t know what she wants, maybe she needs to needs you to go to Aunty Betty”. My Gran gave me a strange look and immediately followed me back to my room but Sheila was gone.


The Little Girl

I never saw her again but heard her many times. Often I could hear her walking up and down the stairs and sometimes she would whistle, the whistle like a child makes, sucking in through their lips rather than blowing out.


Haunted Stairs

As a town house, there is a staircase that runs up from the ground floor to the second floor and this is where most of the activity happened. The stairs began smelling strongly of pipe smoke which would go away again as quickly as the smell began.


Our Haunted House

One night I was drowsing, though by no means asleep, when something sat beside me on the bed, on the side towards the skylight. If we had pets I would have thought it was a kitten. I found the sensation interesting but unthreatening, and turned over, at which point it came and sat in front of me again


Spirits and Optics

She reached to open the door and then she was not there. She was not with the couple apparently, she wore a Victorian style smock over a dark top.


The Disappearing Drum Key

I looked on the windowsill and it wasn’t there. I looked at the floor underneath and it also wasn’t there either. Puzzled I went back to playing it assuming my aunt had picked it up, I would ask her later.


Orphans at the Fountain

And, as he was looking at the children he noticed that not only were they bare foot, but the were floating about six inches to a foot off the floor.


Myrtle Gardens Part II

I immediately knew it was someone in spirit form, because I could see my favorite poster of Michael Jackson, right through her body.


Myrtle Gardens Part I

Louise looked really frightened at me and said, “What is that noise?!” I replied. “what can you hear Louise?” knowing that I could hear something too and she said “there’s an old man in the corner!”


My Nan’s Handbag

I wrapped it all up inside the handkerchief and held it in the palm of my hands, clasped together, and sort of shook it up. I don’t know why I did it, but I did it



This is the one occasion in my life I have no explanation for, it wasn’t scary, it was very peaceful.


I see you

True story! I wasn’t the only one that seen this, but every time we entered the […]


Unexplained Presence at Holy Cross Place

During the Second World War the Holy Cross Place air raid shelter had a direct hit during an air raid. Long after the war, in the 1960s my wife Betty and her friend Pat were in Holy Cross Place, which had been rebuilt as new homes.


Ethereal Presence at Blackburne House

I was left standing alone after attending a local history talk in what was originally the morning room of Blackburne House in Liverpool when a fleeting yet quite determined ethereal presence passed me and near the door as if entering the room.